Labels:bulletin board | daily | encyclical | fence | trade name OCR: articular particular color (that is. will hit the wave engtl Most of the vill go through partition, but small a110 ices a screen the slits. Now suppose from the light. on the far side of 'the part ceive waves Any point of the screen general. the from the two slits. Hower from the distance the light has to slits urill source to the screen the waves from different. This will mean ith each other the slits urill not be in pha in some when they artive at the ach other out. places the aves will can each other. and in others they will rei attern of light The result is a characteri and dark fringes. one gets The remarkable thing rticular wavelength ammc aces Howe arrive Haves battern character remar kable thine